General Guide

  • HOSE

    Stocks, closed-end fund certificates, ETFs, Covered Warrant (CW), Bonds are listed on HSX.

  • HNX

    Stocks, ETFs, Bonds are listed on HNX


    Stocks, Convertible Bond are listed on UpCom - HNX.

  • From Monday to Friday per week, except holidays as stipulated by the Labor Law.

  • HOSE

    Trading method Trading time Types of order
    Opening periodic order matching 9h00 - 9h15 ATO, LO 
    Not allowed to cancel orders
    Continuous order matching I 9h15 - 11h30 MP, LO
    Allowed to cancel orders
    Intermission 11h30 - 13h00  
    Continuous order matching II 13h00 - 14h30 MP, LO
    Allowed to cancel orders
    Closing periodic order matching 14h30 - 14h45 ATC, LO
    Not allowed to cancel orders
    Put through 9h00 - 11h30
    13h00 - 15h00
    Put through orders

  • HNX

    Trading method Trading time Types of order
    Stocks, ETFs
    Continuous order matching I 9h00 - 11h30 LO, MTL, MOK, MAK
    Allowed to cancel/amend orders
    Intermission 11h30 - 13h00  
    Continuous order matching II 13h00 - 14h30 LO, MTL, MOK, MAK
    Allowed to cancel/amend orders
    Closing periodic order matching 14h30 - 14h45 ATC, LO
    Not allowed to cancel orders
    Post-session Order matching 14h45 - 15h00 PLO
    Not allowed to cancel/amend orders
    Put through 9h00 - 11h30
    13h00 - 15h00
    Put through orders
    Corporate bonds
    Continuous order matching I and II 9h00 - 11h30
    13h00 - 14h30
    Allowed to cancel/amend orders
    Closing periodic order matching 14h30 - 14h45 LO, ATC
    Not allowed to cancel orders
    Put through 9h00 - 11h30
    13h00 - 15h00
    Put through orders



    Trading method Trading time Types of order
    Continuous order matching I 9h00 - 11h30 LO
    Allowed to cancel/amend orders
    Intermission 11h30 - 13h00  
    Continuous order matching II 13h00 - 15h00 LO
    Allowed to cancel/amend orders
    Put through 9h00 - 11h30
    13h00 - 15h00
    Put through orders

  • HOSE

    1. Periodic order matching method

    The method of trading which is made on the basis of comparing buying orders and selling orders at specified time: Opening (9h15)/Closing (14h45)

    2. The method of trading which is made on the basis of comparing buying/selling orders immediately when they are inputted into the trading system.

    Applied for Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs, Covered Warrant (CW).

    3.Put through

    The method of trading where (1) the buyer and the seller agree on the trading conditions by themselves and ask a Securities company to record the result into the trading system or (2) buyers/sellers find partners to execute transactions through Securities companies.(Stocks, Bonds, ETFs, CW)

    4. Matching principles

    (a) Price Priority: Buy orders at higher price will take precedence; Sell orders at lower price will take precedence.

    (b) Time Priority: In case there are lots of buying or selling orders at the same price, those which entered into the trading system earlier will take precedence in execution. The matching price is the price of the order entered into the trading system earlier. 

  • HNX

    1. Periodic order matching method

    The method of trading which is made on the basis of comparing buying orders and selling orders at specified time: closing (14h45)

    2. The method of trading which is made on the basis of comparing buying/selling orders immediately when they are inputted into the trading system.

    Applied for Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs/Bonds

    3.Put through

    The method of trading where (1) the buyer and the seller agree on the trading conditions by themselves and ask a Securities company to record the result into the trading system or (2) buyers/sellers find partners to execute transactions through Securities companies.(Stocks, Bonds, ETFs)

    4. Matching principles

    (a) Price Priority: Buy orders at higher price will take precedence; Sell orders at lower price will take precedence.

    (b) Time Priority: In case there are lots of buying or selling orders at the same price, those which entered into the trading system earlier will take precedence in execution. The matching price is the price of the order entered into the trading system earlier. 


    1. Periodic order matching method

    Not Applied.

    2. The method of trading which is made on the basis of comparing buying/selling orders immediately when they are inputted into the trading system.

    Not Applied.

    3.Put through

    The method of trading where (1) the buyer and the seller agree on the trading conditions by themselves and ask a Securities company to record the result into the trading system or (2) buyers/sellers find partners to execute transactions through Securities companies.(Stocks, Bonds, ETFs)

    4. Matching principles

    (a) Price Priority: Buy orders at higher price will take precedence; Sell orders at lower price will take precedence.

    (b) Time Priority: In case there are lots of buying or selling orders at the same price, those which entered into the trading system earlier will take precedence in execution. The matching price is the price of the order entered into the trading system earlier. 

  • HOSE

    Type of order



    is a buying/selling order at the opening/closing price; receive higher priority than LO. Unmatched orrders or unmatched portion of the order will be automatically cancelled after the opening/closing price is determined

    (Limit order)

     is the buying/selling order at the specified price (input the specific price). The order is valid until the end of trading day or until being cancelled

    (Market order)

    is the buying/selling order at the lowest selling price/highest buying price available in the market. Order is automatically cancelled if there is no available reciprocal limit order at the of order entry

    Put through

    is the method of trading where buyer and seller agree on the trading information, includes: stock code, volume, price. Both parts ask a Securities company to record the result into the trading system

  • HNX

    Type of order


    (Market to limit order)

    if the order is only partially filled, the remainder of the order is re-submitted as a limit order, buying/selling price = the price at which the filled portion of the order executed + /- 01 price tick

    (Match or kill order)

    is the market order that will be immediately cancenlled on trading system after being entered if it is not executed the whole

    (Match and kill order)

    is market order that may be performed the whole or a part, the remaining part of the order will be immediately cancelled after being matched


    is the buying/selling order at the closing price after the closing periodic order matching session ends


    Type of order


    (Limit order)

     is the buying/selling order at the specified price (input the specific price). The order is valid until the end of trading day or until being cancelled


    The reference price is calculated by the matching price of the closing periodic order matching session of the previous trading day.


    Reference price is the weighted average of even lot trading prices calculated from continuous order matching method of the latest trading day.

  • HOSE

    Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs(± 7%)

    Price Range: ± 7% against the reference price.

    Ceiling price (Max price) = Reference price + (Reference price x Price range)

    Floor price (Min price) = Reference price - (Reference price x Price range)

    In case of ceiling/floor price of stocks, closed-end fund certificates, ETFs after adjusting according to the price range of ±7% are still equal to the reference price, the price will be adjusted as below:
    - Adjusted ceiling price = Reference price + 01 price tick
    - Adjusted floor price = Reference price - 01 price tick


    Ceiling price (Max price) = Reference price of CW + (Ceiling price of base stock – Reference price of base stock) x 1/ conversion rate

    Floor price (Min price) = Reference price of CW – (Reference price of base stock – Floor price of base stock) x 1/ conversion rate

    If Floor price of CW ≤0, Floor price is the smallest price tick = VND 10


    No Regulations

    The first trading day of Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs:

    Stocks/ETFs must have a reserve price determined by the Consulting Institute and approved by the Stock Exchage as a reference price.
    Price range: at least ± 20% against the reference price.
    The method of placing orders for Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs in the first trading day is the same as that of listed Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs (but not allowed to execute put-through trading orders).

  • HNX

    Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs(± 10%)

    Price Range: ± 10% against the reference price

    Ceiling price (Max price) = Reference price + (Reference price x Price range)

    Floor price (Min price) = Reference price - (Reference price x Price range)

    In case of ceiling/floor price of stocks, closed-end fund certificates, ETFs after adjusting according to the price range of ±7% are still equal to the reference price, the price will be adjusted as below:
    - Adjusted ceiling price = Reference price + 01 price tick
    - Adjusted floor price = Reference price - 01 price tick


    No Regulations

    The first trading day of Stocks/Stopped 25 consecutive trading sessions

    Stocks/ETFs must have a reserve price determined by the Consulting Institute and approved by the Stock Exchage as a reference price.
    Price range: at least ± 30% against the reference price.
    -In case of stocks, ETFs which is newly listed or resumed trading after 25 days of trading suspension, the price range on the first re-trading day is ±30% compared to the reference price.
    - In case of dividend payment/bonus by fund stocks for current shareholders,the price fluctuation range during the Ex-Dividend Date   is ± 30% compared to the reference price.


    Stocks/ closed-end fund certificates/ETFs(± 15%)

    Price Range:  ± 15% against the reference price

    Ceiling price (Max price) = Reference price + (Reference price x Price range)

    Floor price (Min price) = Reference price - (Reference price x Price range)

    In case of ceiling/floor price of stocks, closed-end fund certificates, ETFs after adjusting according to the price range of ±7% are still equal to the reference price, the price will be adjusted as below:
    - Adjusted ceiling price = Reference price + 01 price tick
    - Adjusted floor price = Reference price - 01 price tick


    No Regulations

    The first trading day of Stocks/Stopped 25 consecutive trading sessions

    ± 40% comparing to the reference price

    In cases of paying dividends/ bonuses by fund stocks for current shareholders in the days when rights have not been executed; or the dividends paid in cash is higher or equivalents to weighted average price of the nearest trading day before the day when rights are not executed, price range is +/- 40% against reference price.

  • HOSE

    - Stocks, Closed-end fund certificates, ETFs, Covered Warrant: even lot transactions (from 100 to 500.000), put through transactions (from 20.000)

    - There is no regulation on the trading unit for bonds transaction

  • HNX

    - Stocks, ETFs: even lot transactions (100), put through transactions (from 5.000)

    - Corporate bonds: even lot transactions (1), put through transactions (from 1)


    - Even lot transactions (100), put through transactions (from 1)

  • HOSE

    1. Stocks, Closed-end fund certificates

    Trading method

    Price level  (VND)

    Price tick (VND)

    Order matching

    < 10.000

    10 VND

    10.000 - 49.950

    50 VND

    >= 50.000

    100 VND

    Put through

    Not applied


    2. ETFs, CW: applied price tick of 10 VND for all price levels

    3. Bonds: applied price tick of 1 VND for all price levels

  • HNX

    1. Stocks

    Trading method

    Price tick (VND)

    Order matching

    100 VND

    Put through

    1 VND

    2. ETFs

    Order matching and Put through

    1 VND



    Trading method

    Price tick (VND)

    Order matching

    100 VND

    Put through

    Not regulated


    - Trading method: continuous order matching and put through; only permit to entry LO orders and allowed to cancel/amend orders equivalent to transactions of rough lots

    - Transaction of odd lot of shares, ETFs which is newly listed or resumed trading after being suspended cannot be entered into the trading system until the closing price is determined. 

  • HOSE

    - Buying/Selling stock/ETFs: T+2

    - Buying/Selling Bonds: T+1

  • HNX

    - Buying/Selling stock/ETFs: T+2

    - Buying/Selling Bonds: T+1


    - Buying/Selling stock : T+2

  • - Trading at the counter

    - Trading via Hotline: 028 6288 6000

    - Trading via Online:Web Trading System(WTS), Mobile trading System (MTS), Hometrading System (HTS)

  • (1) Each Investor can only open 1 account at 01 securities company and is allowed to open accounts at other securities companies.

    (2) Investors can buy and sell the same type of stocks and fund certificates on the same day. Investors are not allowed to place trading orders to buy and sell the same type of stocks at the same time in the periodic order matching, except for orders entered into the system at the previous continuous trading session, which have not yet been matched but are still valid.

    (3) Investors must ensure that they have enough volume of shares when placing a sell order and enough money margin when placing a buy order according to regulations.

    (4) Institutions, individuals and related persons who holding at least 5% of shares of a public company or public securities investment company make transations that lead to the variation by more than 1% of its share shall disclose information and submit reports to SSC, SE and the public company or securities investment fund management company within 07 working days from the date of the variation.

    (5) Internal shareholders (BOD, BOM, Chief Accountant, Members of Supervisory board, Major Shareholder, Information Disclosurer and the related persons) of the listed company intending to trade its shares must report in writing to SSC, SE and the listed company at least 03 working days before executing transactions and only can make transactions after 24 hours since the information disclosure of the SE is published. Internal shareholders must report to SSC, SE and the listed company on the results of transactions within 03 working days from the date of completion of the transactions or after the expiry of the trading period.

    (6) Regulations of ratio owner/transactions of foreign investors:

    (i) Stocks: Depending on the room of the company which foreign investors are allowed to invest.

    (ii) ETFs Certificate: No restriction. 

    (iii) No restriction unless the fund charter provides for a limit.

    (iv) Closed-end fund certificates, member funds: No restriction, unless the fund charter provides for a limit.

    (v) Buying volume of shares and closed-end fund certificates will be deducted from the number available for foreign investors to buy immediately after the buy order is executed.

    (vi) Selling volume of shares and closed-end fund certificates of foreign investors will be added to the number available for foreign investors to buy right after the settlement.

    (vii) In Continuous order matching session, buying orders or remaining part of partially-filled buying orders of foreign investors will be automatically cancelled if the ownership limit for foreigners is hit.

    (viii) In put through transactions, total number of shares available for foreign investors to buy will remain unchanged if the transaction is negotiated between two foreign investors.

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028 6299 8000