- The e-commerce's growth in Vietnam (with expected CAGR in period 2020-2025 is 34%, according to Temaseck) will push the revenue of parcel delivery companies (including Viettel Post, one of the market leader) - Viettel Post is using hub-and-spoke business model, with Logistic centers - equipped with auto sorting and e-fulfillment system - as the main hubs, automatic sorting centers as the subhubs and spokes are more than 1,800 post offices and Viettel Telecom stores - The amount of post office is only lower than VNPost. As the result, they can promote competitive advantage over other delivery companies - especially in the intercity segment, achieve economies of scale, decrease labor cost and being the most cost-competitive player (currently their delivery gross margin ~12.3% is also higher than other competitors). - Their new Logistic center in HCM city, which is opened since 2021, has an automatic sorting hub with an hourly capacity of 42,000 parcels as well as a fulfillment center that equipped with new technology such as robots and artificial intelligence. With such modern technology, Viettel Post can optimise 91% of human resources - greatly reduce labor costs - and providing automatic order completion solutions for customers.
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