Morning call - The domestic and foreign stock markets move in harmony with the upward trend


The Dow rose 0.14%, the S&P 500 gained 0.85% and the Nasdaq Composite rallied 1.58%. Those gains came as the latest producer price index report showed inflation rose less than anticipated in June. In the 12 months through June, the producer price index climbed 0.1%. That was the smallest year-on-year gain since August 2020 and followed a 0.9% increase in May


The VNINDEX closed at 1,165, up 0.97% with positive support from leading stocks driving the market. Liquidity improved with relatively active buying at the strong resistance level of 116x.


  • World stocks: Positive market sentiment spreading everywhere. 
  • Vietnam securities: Domestic and foreign buying drive strong gains in the domestic stock market 
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Hoang Nam

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