The Value Seeking portfolio includes leading blue-chip stocks, which have been heavily discounted recently. In terms of investment efficiency, the portfolio’s return continuously outperformed the VN-Index’s return. HPG’s return (+22.2% YTD) made the strongest contribution to the portfolio thanks to the remarkable recovery in steel selling price. Besides, the return of GMD (+10.4% YTD) and banking stocks (+13.9% YTD) in the portfolio were upward after announcing the positive 2023 business plan.
Updating Q1.2023 business results of Value Seeking portfolio, the total revenue increased slightly by 1.4% YoY, NPAT increased by 4% YoY. The decline in revenue of GAS (-20% YoY) and HPG (-40% YoY) were the main reason for slowing down the growth of the portfolio's earnings. In addition, VHM's business results increased sharply thanks to the successful handover of real estate, which significantly improved the overall business results of the portfolio.
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