Global stocks regain the green color. The Dow Jones finished 341 points higher on Thursday, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq 100 added 0.7% each, as Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Bostic's comments boosted sentiments. On the policy side, Fed Bostic said he is in favor of a quarter-point rate hike and the central bank could pause rate hikes sometime this summer. Some other Fed officials have said they are in favor of hiking by half a point and warned that rates must go higher to bring down inflation to its target.
Domestic stocks trading struggled. The State Bank basically agreed on the extension and postponement of debts for real estate businesses with difficulties, but it depends on the segment. In the first two months of 2023, the total foreign investment capital into the city reached 332.3 million USD, up 43.1%.
- Domestic and international news
- Government bond yields in major economies are on the rise again
- Update Business Results #FMC #PET
- Technical view and recommendations
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