In October, VN-Index dropped more than 9% in the context of the Fed hiking interest rates for the 4th time in the year. Domestically, SBV raised interest rates for the second time at the same time as expanding the USD/VND range from +/-3% to +/-5% to tame inflation and stabilize macro. In addition, the investigation of violations in the issuance of corporate bonds in 2H2022 also affects the stock market.
In the Going Green portfolio, most of the companies in the utility sector with a defensive nature but the performance was lower than the VN-Index in October, due to being negative impact by tickers with high financial leverage such as HDG, PC1, GEG in the face of rapidly increasing interest rates. On the other hand, businesses with low gearing, abundant cash, and positive 9M2022 business results have higher returns compared with VN-Index.
#VSH, #REE, #HDG, #POW, #NT2, #GAS, #CNG, #PC1, #TV2, #GEG
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