In regular trading on Thursday, the Dow fell 0.33% for its fourth straight down session. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite gained 0.21% and 0.76%, respectively, as technology stocks outperformed. Investors reacted to the latest earnings and a pullback in Treasury yields. The S&P Global US Composite PMI rose to 54.3 in October 2024, up from 54.0 in September, signaling solid business activity growth at the start of the fourth quarter, preliminary data showed.
The VNINDEX closed at 1,257.41 points, down 13.49 points (-1.06%) with lower trading volume compared to the 20-day average. The market saw 102 gainers and 284 decliners. Stocks contributing to the market's gains included VNM, VCB, and KDH, while VHM, STB, and VIC contributed to the declines. Most industry groups declined. Foreign investors were net sellers of over 234 billion dong.
- World stocks: Mixed results ahead of earnings season"
- Vietnamese stocks: The last straw
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