In regular trading on Tuesday, the Dow gained 0.5%, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite dropped 0.5% and 1.28%, respectively. Those moves came as investors continued to rotate out of megacap tech names amid doubts over the sustainability of the AI rally, shifting their focus to more traditional sectors of the US economy. Investors now look ahead to more earnings reports and economic data on Wednesday, as well as the Fed’s policy announcement.
The VNINDEX closed at 1,245 points, down 1.54 points (-0.12%) with average liquidity over the past 20 trading sessions. The market saw 154 gainers and 267 decliners. Stocks contributing to the market's gains include VIC, MBB, and MWG, while VHM, BID, and FPT contributed to the market's decline. The real estate and securities sectors faced significant selling pressure. Foreign investors net sell approximately 305 billion dong
- World stocks: US stock market money flows into traditional sectors
- Vietnamese stocks: Buyers are determined to hold the index
- Macro news
- Business news: #NKG, #EIB, #OCB, #REE, #POW, #SHB
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
- Event calendar
- Q&A
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