On Tuesday, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq gained 0.4% and 1.2%, respectively, snapping a three-day losing streak, while the Dow Jones dropped by 296 points. The tech sector outperformed following a significant sell-off the previous day, during which investors shifted away from semiconductor and artificial intelligence stocks to other sectors. Nvidia shares surged by 6.7%, halting a three-day losing streak that had wiped more than $400 billion from the company's market capitalization.
VNINDEX closed at 1,256 (+2.44 points, +0.19%), with low liquidity. The market had 238 gainers and 161 losers. The groups of stocks that contributed to the market's gain included VRE and HVN, while BID, SSB, and FPT contributed to the market's decline. Most industry groups declined, with the industrial and telecommunications groups declining the most. Foreigners net sold around VND 700 billion.
- World stocks: Investors are waiting for US inflation data
- Vietnamese stocks: Stop bleeding
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