In regular trading on Thursday, the Dow briefly touched the 40,000 mark for the first time before closing 0.1% lower. The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite also fell 0.21% and 0.26%, respectively, both retreating slightly from record highs. Recent economic data was mixed, including a decline in initial jobless claims, higher-than-expected import and export prices, disappointing housing starts and building permits, and a stall in industrial production.
VNINDEX closed at 1,268.78 (+14.39 points, +1.15%) with liquidity continuing to improve compared to the previous session. The market had 300 gainers and 129 losers. The groups of stocks contributing to the market's uptrend were VCB, TCB, and BID. On the other hand, the groups of stocks contributing to the market's downtrend were MWG, GVR, and BCM. Foreigners net bought lightly at around 6 billion.
- World stocks: Mixed movements
- Vietnamese stocks: Move forward
- Macro news
- Business news: #CMG, #HAH, #PPC, #KBC, #BAF, #POW
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations #MBB
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