Last week, the Dow and S&P 500 fell 2.37% and 1.56%, respectively, sliding for the second straight week and posting their worst weekly drop this year. The Nasdaq Composite also tumbled 0.45% after losing 1.62% on Friday. Those moves came as hot US inflation data prompted traders to dial back bets on multiple interest rate cuts from the Federal Reserve this year. Investors now look ahead to US retail sales figures and Goldman Sachs’ earnings report on Monday.
VNINDEX closed at 1,276.60 (+18.4 points, +1.46%) with liquidity surging compared to the previous session. The market had 317 gainers and 143 losers. The stocks that contributed to the market's decline were MWG, DGC, and NVL. On the other hand, the stocks that contributed to the market's gain were CTG, TCB, and MBB. Foreigners continued to net sell at around VND 730 billion.
- World stocks: Increased geopolitical risk
- Vietnamese stocks: The bank came to the rescue
- Macro news:
- Business news: #VCS, #HVN, #VIX, #BMP, #CTR, #MWG
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations #PVT
- Event calendar
- Q&A
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