In regular trading on Tuesday, the Dow inched down 0.02%, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite gained 0.14% and 0.32%, respectively. Those moves came as investors cautiously awaited the March CPI report, with another hotter-than-expected reading likely to pressure equities further. Markets also look ahead to the latest FOMC minutes on Wednesday.
VNINDEX closed at 1,262.82 (+12.47 points, +1.00%) with significantly lower liquidity compared to the previous session. The market had 332 green stocks and 137 red stocks. The group of stocks contributing to the market's decline included VCB, VPB, and FRT. On the other hand, the group of stocks contributing to the market's increase included BID, MWG, and CTG. The consumer services and telecommunications groups contributed to the strong increase of the session today.
- World stocks: Global stocks cautiously await CPI data
- Vietnamese stocks: Recovers but not convincing
- Macro news:
- Business news: #DPM, #PET, #MWG, #SMC, #VTP, #NTP
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations #MBB #PVD, #VCS
- Event calendar
- Q&A
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