- PCC1 is leading the country in the field of power construction and installation with experience in implementing many national power transmission projects, especially EPC and PC general contractor projects up to a voltage of 500 KV and projects with high specificity (Gis station, power supply to the island...), underground cable project... PC1 holds an outstanding construction technology in grid and wind power (such as UAV flying device and crawler crane for electric turbines). - PCC1 has successfully operated 7 hydropower plants with a total capacity of 169 MW, which are very valuable assets. Their plants are located nationwide, avoiding the negative effects from clime changes. Earning stable revenue VND800bn per year with margin ~60%. - First penetration into wind power segment with upcoming 150MW capacity COD in Q4.2021. In addition, PC1 was also licensed to survey more than 2,000 MW of onshore and offshore wind power, securing an stable growth for the company over the next 5 years. Currently, PC1 is the only player can build & operate their owned wind projects. - Thank to PC1's EPC construction advantage, their power generation's performances are always higher than other competitors: 1) All of PC1’s hydropower plants are small scale (<30MW) applies avoided cost tariff, which allow their performance is always higher than largescale hydropower; 2) Wind power was build by themself and could take the favorable feed-intariff in 2021 8.5cent/kWh
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