In regular trading on Wednesday, the Dow rose 1.03%, the S&P 500 gained 0.89% and the Nasdaq Composite jumped 1.25%, with all three benchmarks closing at new record levels. The Fed kept rates unchanged on Wednesday, but median expectations by FOMC members suggest a total of 75 basis points in rate cuts this year. The dot plot also indicated three cuts in 2025, one fewer than in December, despite a slight upward revision for PCE inflation.
VNINDEX closed 1,260.08 (+17.62 points, +1.42%) with liquidity lower than the 20-session average. The market has 339 green tickers and 139 red tickers. Stock groups contributing to the market's increase include BID, TCB, and CTG. On the contrary, the group of stocks contributing to the market's decline were VIC, VHM, VRE. Foreign countries continued to net sell with a total value of VND 566 billion.
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- Macro news
- Business news: #GMD, #VSH, #VHC, #VRE, #TanHoangMinh, #BIC
- Breaking news Update AGM of Hoa Sen Group JSC (HSG)
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations #HAH, #REE
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