The S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite also tumbled 0.26% and 1.17%, respectively. Those moves came as investors took some profits off the table following a record rally in mage-cap technology names. The latest monthly jobs report showed that the US economy added more jobs than anticipated in February, although the unemployment rate unexpectedly increased.
VNINDEX closed at 1,247 (-21.1 points, -1.66%) with liquidity one and a half times the average of 30 sessions. Stock groups contributing to the market's rising momentum include HVN and DCM. On the contrary, the stock groups contributing to the market's decline were BID, CTG, and TCB. Most industry groups decreased, the strongest being telecommunications, banking and resources. Foreign investors continued to be net sellers, while self-trading returned to net buying.
- World stocks: Profit-taking pressure appears widely
- Vietnam stocks: Strongest drop since the beginning of the year
- Macro news
- Business news: #VGC, #VNM, #MWG, #VFS, #NAB, #CAP
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
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