In regular trading on Monday, the Dow and S&P 500 rose 0.36% and 0.22%, respectively, with both benchmarks reaching new all-time highs. The Nasdaq Composite also gained 0.32%. Investors now look ahead to key US economic data and more corporate earnings.
VNINDEX closed 1,182.2 (+1.36 points, +0.12%) with increased liquidity. The market has 246 green codes and 223 red codes. The group of stocks that contributed the most to the market's increase were HPG NVL and ACB. On the contrary, the group of stocks contributing to the market's decline were VCB GVR and GAS. Foreign countries suddenly net bought strongly in today's session. Industry groups increase and decrease with differentiation.
- World stocks: Growth trend returns
- Vietnam stocks: Attempting to increase, cash flow returned to the steel group
- Business news: #VND, #DHG, #NDN, #RAL, #SCS, #HT1
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
- Event calendar
- Q&A
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