In regular trading on Wednesday, the Dow and S&P 500 fell 0.76% and 0.8%, respectively, with the latter sliding for the third straight session. The Nasdaq Composite also dropped 1.18%, extending its losing streak to a fourth day. Those moves came as the dollar and Treasury yields gained some ground, with traders paring back aggressive bets on Federal Reserve interest rate cuts this year. Fed policymakers viewed the policy rate as near its peak for this tightening cycle, though they noted that the actual policy path will depend on how the economy evolves, minutes from the last FOMC meeting in December 2023 showed.
VNINDEX closed at 1,144.17 (+12.45 points, 1.1%), with liquidity still on an improving trend. The market had 395 green stocks and 106 red stocks. The stocks that contributed the most to the market's rise were VCB, BID, GVR, and ACB. On the other hand, the stocks that contributed to the market's decline were SSB, BCM, and BMP. Most sectors rose, with telecommunications, tourism, and chemicals leading the way. Foreign investors continued to sell net.
- World stocks: Global stock markets fell
- Vietnam stocks: Officially surpassed the 1130 resistance zone
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