In regular trading on Tuesday, the Dow rose 0.68%, the S&P 500 climbed 0.59% and the Nasdaq Composite jumped 0.66%, with all 11 S&P sectors ending higher led by energy, communication services and materials. All three benchmarks are headed for a winning month and year as US stocks surged in the fourth quarter on growing expectations that the Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates next year. Hopes that the central bank can engineer a soft landing also aided sentiment.
VNINDEX closed 1,096.3 (+4.42 points, +0.4%) with liquidity equivalent to the previous session, reaching 12,805 billion. The market has 256 green codes and 231 red codes. The group of stocks that contributed the most to the market's increase were HPG CTG and TCB, the codes that contributed to the decrease were VCB VHM and GAS. Foreign investors continued to be relatively net sellers, with a total value of about VND 452 billion.
- World stocks: Maintaining a strong upward trend
- Vietnam stocks: The market rebounded at the 1,080 level
- Business news: #KDH, #HCM, #CMG, #VHC, #HHV, #HPG
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
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