In regular trading on Thursday, the Dow gained 0.47%, the S&P 500 rose 0.16% and the Nasdaq Composite inched up 0.07%. Those moves came as data showed that US producer prices declined 0.5% in October, the biggest drop since April 2020, in another indication that inflationary pressures are finally easing. Retail sales in the United States decreased by 0.1% month-over-month in October 2023, putting an end to a six-month streak of increases and compared with the market consensus of a 0.3% decline.
VNINDEX closed at 1122.5 (+12.7 points, +1.15%), up slightly with sustained liquidity. The market had 414 green codes and 122 red codes. The leading stocks on the market were VCB, BID, and MSN, while PVT and PVD fell slightly. Most of the sectors that increased strongly were food and beverages, banking, and financial services. Foreign investors turned to net buying slightly while self-managed continued to sell net.
- World stocks: Stable in facing of macro news
- Vietnamese stocks: The market returned to MA 200
- Business news: #SMC, #GMD, #DXG, #BMC, #MSN, #BID
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
- Event calendar
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