In regular trading on Thursday, the Dow fell 0.65%, the S&P 500 dropped 0.81% and the Nasdaq Composite tumbled 0.94%. Those losses came as Powell said the central bank is “not confident” monetary settings are sufficiently restrictive to achieve the 2% inflation target. Bond yields also moved higher, with the benchmark 10-year US yields climbing back above 4.3%
VNINDEX closed at 1,113 (+0.46 points, +0.04%) with strong growth in liquidity, higher than the previous day. The market had a sideways session after the previous explosive session. Foreign investors net sold strongly again with VND -806 billion, focusing on stock codes VHM (VND -285 billion), FUESSVFL (VND - 185 billion), VCB (VND - 143 billion).
- World stocks: World markets adjusted after Mr. Powell's statement
- Vietnam stocks: Profit-taking pressure at the MA200 area
- Business news #NVL, #DXS, #BFC, #FRT, #STB, #PNJ
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
- Event calendar
- Q&A
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