In regular trading on Wednesday, the Dow rose 0.39%, the S&P 500 jumped 0.81% and the Nasdaq Composite rallied 1.35% Those gains came as Treasury yields retreated from recent highs after ADP data showed that private job growth totaled 89,000 in September, well below the 153,000 expected by analysts. Investors now look ahead to weekly jobless claims data on Thursday and September’s nonfarm payrolls report on Friday
VNINDEX closed 1,128 (+10.5 points, +0.95%) with liquidity still at a low level. The market recovered slightly with the largest contribution coming from the VIC BID HPG group, whereas SSB CTG contributed the most to the decline. Self-trading and foreign countries returned to slight net buying.
- World stock: Consensus recovery
- Vietnam stocks: Recovering after a sharp decline
- Business news: #BSR, #FRT, #VGC, #POW, #NLG, #NVL
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations #VHC, #PVS
- Event calendar
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