In regular trading on Tuesday, the Dow fell 1.14%, the S&P 500 dropped 1.47% and the Nasdaq Composite tumbled 1.57%, with all 11 S&P sectors finishing lower led to the downside by utilities, consumer discretionary and real estate. Those losses came after latest data on consumer confidence and new home sales showed the US economy may be finally coming under stress. Investors also fretted about the prospect that interest rates will remain elevated for an extended period.
VNINDEX closed 1,137 (-1.32%) with liquidity at the 20-session average. The market suddenly reversed and decreased at the end of the session, showing that the short-term downtrend is prevailing. The positive point of the market lies in the fact that foreign investors continued to buy net with VND 651 billion, focusing on HPG, SSI, and DGC.
- World stocks: The market dropped simultaneously
- Vietnamese stocks: The trend of reduction continues, making the market attractive for long-term
- Business news #DHC, #PDR, #HPG, #HTN, #NVL, #VHC
- Technical perspective and updated recommendations
- Event calendar
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