In regular trading on Wednesday, the Dow rose 0.11%, the S&P 500 gained 0.38% and the Nasdaq Composite advanced 0.54%. Those moves came as weaker-than-expected US data suggested the Federal Reserve could be done with policy tightening, boosting equities. Updated GDP figures showed the US economy grew less than previously thought in the second quarter and job creation slowed more than expected in August according to ADP. Investors now look ahead to July personal consumption expenditures and weekly jobless claims data on Thursday.
The VNINDEX closed at 1,213 (+8.7 points, +0.72%) with 320 gainers and 167 losers. Leading stocks today were CTG, FPT, and VCB, while VIC contributed to the market's decline. Foreign investors returned with strong net buying, and though the liquidity was relatively low, the leading sectors driving today's increase were financial services, technology, and telecommunications.
- World stocks: The market is optimistic with multiple pieces of information
- Vietnam Stocks: Increase amid uncertainty
- Business news: Economic update #NVL, #CII, #HBC, #HAG, #FEcredit, #HPX
- Technical perspective and recommendation update
- Event calendar
- Q&A
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