In regular trading on Thursday, the Dow fell 0.84%, the S&P 500 lost 0.77% and the Nasdaq Composite tumbled 1.17%. US stocks remained under pressure from rising Treasury yields as minutes of the Federal Reserve’s July meeting suggested further interest rate hikes could be ahead as policymakers remain concerned about inflation.
VNINDEX closed at 1,233 (-9.78 points, -0.79%) with a significant increase in liquidity during the derivative expiration session. There were 320 declining stocks compared to only 150 gaining ones. VIC, VHM, and banking stocks experienced substantial decreases, leading the market down. This contrasted with the previous session, where these groups led the overall market's upward trend.
- World market: Global Stock Markets Experience Decline
- Vietnam market: Absence of Guidance from Large-Cap
- Business News #VHC, #VNM, #ACG, #HAH, #MWG, #BAF
- Technical perspective and recommendation update
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